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Add a touch of shimmer and shine to your paper crafting projects with our Blushing Bride - Rainbow Pearl Confetti Sequins. These stunning sequins feature a rainbow pearl finish, giving them a semi transparent, semi-glossy, pearlescent iridescent look that beautifully catches the light on card fronts, scrapbook layouts, and more. The sequins are no-hole, with crimped edges and come in a soft Blushing Bride hue. Each pack contains approximately half a tablespoon of sequins, adding just the right amount of sparkle to your creations. However, please note that these sequins are not intended for small children due to the choking hazard. Use them to create eye-catching shaker cards or add a pop of color and texture to your craft projects.

Blushing Bride - Rainbow Pearl Confetti Sequins

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SKU: 2346368490171
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